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Building Your Personal Brand for Career Growth!

Not to be a buzzkill, but today’s job-hunting scene is incredibly competitive. With a tonne of aspiring employees in the market, you’ll need a personal brand and career growth plan to get ahead and set yourself apart from other applicants. This planning process might seem a little daunting, but in reality, it’s pretty simple (and fun, too). 

It can be tricky to determine how you want to go about self branding when you’re just starting out but don’t stress too much. We’ve put together our top tips for standing out, building credibility and communicating your value. 

After all, finding your voice should be fun, right?

What Does ‘Personal Brand’ Actually Mean?

Your personal brand is the version of yourself that you intentionally present to others. It’s how you market you; almost like writing a product description for yourself and tailoring it to how you want to be seen.

While barely anyone has a totally authentic personal brand (none wants to advertise their worst traits), it’s best to stay as close to the true you as you possibly can. If you market yourself as an experienced engineer and show up for the job interview with zero experience, it’s not going to go well for anyone involved. However, if you’re a little nervous about starting your personal branding journey, exude confidence and fake it till you make it. That kind of omission isn’t going to hurt anybody. 

Personal Brands vs. Reputation

While your personal brand and reputation are two completely different things, the two are closely aligned. Much like your reputation, your personal brand defines how others (including potential recruiters) see you before you even meet. 

These two aspects of self-promotion play off each other too. For example, a strong online presence cultivates your personal brand, but it also gives you a reputation for being trustworthy. This is especially true if you’re showing off concrete evidence of your past work. 

Unlike your reputation, your personal brand is extremely intentional. You can develop a reputation for a myriad of reasons, even if you don’t realise you’re doing so. However, your personal brand comes from what you choose to let people see. Self branding is more about visibility, whereas your reputation relies primarily on credibility. 

Essentially, to curate your own well-rounded professional image, you need to have both a good reputation and a strong brand. Striking this balance is the best way to differentiate yourself from others in your field!

Why Self Branding is so Important.

Still on the fence about starting your branding journey? You don’t need to take our word for how important self promotion really is; just ask the likes of Forbes, The Manifest and Ultimate Staffing!

  • According to Forbes, 85% of U.S. recruiters and HR professionals say that an employee’s online reputation influences their hiring decisions. 
  • Ultimate Staffing reports that 70% of hiring managers believe a strong personal brand is more important than a strong resume.
  • The Manifest states that 98% of HR professionals perform background research on potential candidates, and the same percentage use search engines and social media to gather information about new hires. 

Essentially, establishing an industry presence is one of the best things you can do when starting your career journey. So, buckle in, because we’re going to show you just how to do it!

Defining Your Personal Brand

Before you get started on your online presence, you need to figure out exactly what you want your personal brand to say and who you’re marketing yourself to. 

If you haven’t already, have a big think about what industry you want to end up in. To do so, reflect on your goals, values, passions, mission and vision; clarifying these will definitely send you in the right direction!

Firstly, you’ll want to figure out what sets you apart from the competition. For this stage of the self branding process, you’ll want to be considering your unique skills and experiences that make you, you. Keep it genuine and play to your passions; hiring managers are particularly skilled at spotting a fake. 

Your next order of business is identifying what kind of employers you want taking notice of your brand; narrowing this down as much as you can gives you a much better chance of effectively tailoring your online content. Once you’ve picked out your target, it’s all about figuring out how you can solve a problem for them and letting that be reflected in your personal brand!

To get you started, here are some questions to set you on the right path:

  • What areas/services do you feel most confident speaking about or executing? 
  • What qualities set you apart from other candidates. A.K.A. what is your ‘Wow” factor?
  • What are your key values and principles?
  • What other professionals in your field inspire you?

Get Comfortable with Online Self-Promotion


LinkedIn is the professional network for all professionals, regardless of whether they’re established or budding. Think of it as the best free platform for professional self promotion and personal branding; it’s not something you’ll want to forgo! 

When setting up your profile, some of the most important elements are:

  • A professional profile picture and header image.
  • A captivating and well-crafted bio.
  • An extensive log of all your achievements (academic or professional, depending on experience).
  • Inspiring posts to hook potential connections.

Remember, there’s always a way to make the most of an opportunity without extensive resources. You can take some professional-looking pics on your phone with the help of a friend and craft thought-provoking posts without industry experience. It’s all about putting in the effort!

Social Media Presence and Personal Websites

If you’re offering a service, or want a fun way to showcase your skills, professional social media profiles and portfolio-style websites are a great way to get your name out there! This is especially relevant to aspiring creatives looking for pathways in design, writing, art, journalism, or music.

However, the social media element of personal branding is relevant to everyone, even if you’re not crafting a professional page. Remember what we said about hiring managers conducting social media searches on potential hires? Make sure there’s nothing incriminating on your personal pages that could be dug up in discovery. Not to be dramatic, but it could cost you your dream job!

Self Promotion Without Social Media

While it’s possible to start self branding online without using social media, it’s much easier to jump on LinkedIn and start from there. It’s not as scary as you might think it is, we promise!

That said, there are still some alternative ways to put yourself out there. One of our favourite options is to create a blog that you update regularly with content related to your industry. It may be hard to get viewers without social media promotion, but hang in there! If you stay consistent, anything could happen. 

Most Importantly, Have Fun!

While we often think of the self branding process as being a bit scary, it can actually be a lot of fun. If you dedicate a whole day to developing your personal brand and cultivating your online presence, you’ll likely be surprised at just how much you achieve!

Regardless of whether you’re starting out in your chosen industry, or dreaming of an exciting career in your chosen field, self promotion is a critical element of any career plan. So, dive in and make the most of the resources on offer to you, we’re willing to bet you’ll actually enjoy the process!

Ready to get started on your career journey? Discover Australia’s top employers today, or get inspired with some career advice over on our blog.


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