Gap Year Navy Maritime Warfare Officer Submariner | Adelaide

Adelaide, South Australia
Closing in 16 hours

When else will you ever get the opportunity to work onboard a Collins Class submarine? With its stealth technology, whisper-quiet propulsion, and powerful sensors, it’s one of Australia’s key strategic assets—and it’s yours to experience as part of the ADF Gap Year program.

Take this great opportunity to develop as a leader with the Navy building you’re ability to think on your feet, prioritise, take in Information to make decisions and control the operation of a submarine.  Learn what it’s like to be the Commanding Officer’s representative – the point person for executing the safe navigation and general operations of submarine.

During your Gap Year you will also get a taste of other areas of the Navy including its shore establishments and other departments including engineering and logistics. This will provide you a great overview of the Navy organisation – as well as having the opportunity to travel while you do it.

The position of Maritime Warfare Officer Submariner is highly respected and in your 12 month experience you will learn from the best. You will observe Maritime Warfare Officer Submariners leading their tight knit teams to achieve a variety of missions both in Australia and overseas. You will also learn how they manage their team’s training, career development and welfare.

Coupled with the highest standard of leadership training, the skills you across this role are transferable to other management and leadership positions and will provide you a unique edge.

This action-packed role isn’t just reserved for people that are straight out of school. It’s a unique opportunity where you’ll get the chance to try out a year in Navy working alongside fully qualified Maritime Warfare Officer Submariners, all without needing any prior qualifications. You’ll get paid to travel and gain invaluable life and work experience, while making friendships that could last a lifetime.

Life in the Navy Gap Year Program:

The Navy Gap Year Program is a one-year commitment that takes you well beyond the ordinary to experience everything the Navy has to offer. Whether you’re sailing across the seas by ship, exploring the oceans depths by submarine or soaring above by helicopter, you’ll be given skills and experiences which could extend into a longer-term role in the Navy or elsewhere.

On top of the many benefits you get from a job in the Navy, you’ll also experience a very supportive and collaborative team environment to help you thrive.


Be paid to train and upon completion of your initial military and initial employment training, you could earn a package worth $58,877.

In addition to your salary, you will receive generous superannuation, housing subsidies and free medical and dental care, service and uniform allowances, as well as a Maritime Allowance (if applicable).

Apply Now:

For this role, you must have completed Year 12 level of secondary education (or equivalent) to Officer Entry standard and achieved an ATAR which would qualify you for entry into a degree at UNSW/ADFA. Applications can be considered if you are yet to complete Year 12 and are tracking towards the required ATAR.

Click the APPLY button if you think you have what it takes to spend 12 months as an ADF Gap Year Maritime Warfare Officer Submariner and we’ll get in contact with you shortly.

You can also visit the link below to view the full position description and learn more about life in the Navy.


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Closing in 16 hours

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