WiseTech Global

Science, Technology & Analytics

Define your career. Change the world.

“Making a positive contribution to society is at the core of WiseTech’s DNA. We think deeply about our impact on the planet and society and are as committed to innovating and advancing human potential today as we were in the early days of WiseTech.” Richard White, Founder & CEO, WiseTech Global

Real-world impact

Working at WiseTech Global is more than just a job. Our software, CargoWise, brings meaningful, continual improvement to the world’s supply chains. Think about it, when you make a purchase, whether it’s a gaming console, the latest phone or a gift for a friend, what journey has that item had to go on just to reach you? The global supply chain is an incredibly complex and fragmented industry, and it’s in this complex world, that the power of our technology and the brilliance of our people deliver real-world impact.

Shape your career journey

We put you in the driver’s seat of your career, empowering you with the tools, support and freedom to learn and grow at your own pace. When you join WiseTech’s product development team, you’ll spend the first 6 months in our rotation program. This enables you to work in different teams and product areas before choosing your specialty. Learning is a life-long journey, and we’re with you every step of the way.​

A unique, curious and innovative team

Expert leaders and mentors, meaningful impact, and our rotation program are just a few of the reasons why students and graduates launch and grow their careers at WiseTech. We recognise that you are an individual on your career journey, which is why we don’t do things the old-fashioned way when it comes to bringing new graduates into the team. The diverse nature of our work, people, and unique way of working creates great opportunities.


50+ Offices
2,000+ Team Members
1994 Founded

Life at WiseTech Global

Setting you up for success

We offer a range of programs to help our people develop their skills and knowledge, including our rotation program, WiseTech Academy, mentoring, online learning programs, resilience training and more.

Our hybrid work model also means you get the best of both worlds – collaborating in the office with your teammates or catching up virtually from home – we believe in giving our people flexibility so they can do their best work.

Commitment to society and the world

We’re committed to making a positive contribution to the communities in which we operate. We aim to minimise our resource usage and invest in energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable practices.

We support our people to give back in their communities and get involved in the causes that matter to them, volunteering, workplace giving and sponsorship of for-purpose organisations, events and charities.


We’re proud of our highly diverse and inclusive workforce. Our employees range in age from 18 to 70+ and are made up of more than 60 nationalities working together.  Get to know some of our people and their stories.


Our future growth and innovation are driven by the talent, motivation and enthusiasm of our global team. We encourage our people to have bold ideas and create bold products. ​

Our mantras are the basis for a work environment that is empowering and fulfilling, where what we do is important not just for ourselves, but for the world. ​

We’re all about helping you succeed. Our culture is centred on a flat structure, where anyone can talk to anyone at any time and you’re encouraged to bring your ideas to the table.  ​

Our mantras guide us – from anyone can talk to anyone at any time and slower today, faster forever to lead others, manage yourself – we’re committed to enhancing the quality of life of our employees, partners and the communities we operate in. ​

Learn more about life at WiseTech Global here.

Why Join WiseTech Global?

Career-defining work

We’re an engineer-founded and led-tech company with research and development at our core. We build technology that makes a difference in the world we live in. Over the past two decades, we’ve dedicated over 5.3 million development hours to technology development.​ Our global team of 1,000+ product and development experts all work together to make a real impact. As part of the team, you’ll be working on projects that contribute to real solutions used by our customers. ​

Shape your career with our rotation program ​

Our 26-week rotation program offers you an opportunity to develop skills and experience a range of product focus areas – from machine learning and international logistics to cross-border compliance and accounting – so that you can choose what’s the best fit for you.  ​​We believe in empowering you to develop your own career and interests, so you get to nominate your team preferences for rotations two and three. ​​Through our rotation program, you get to work with a wide range of team members, and learn about our culture, technologies and different business areas.

Find out more about our rotation program.

Supporting you with our mentor program ​

Our mentors will guide you in your first few months with us. They’ll help you develop skills that’ll set you up for success at WiseTech and support you in achieving your career goals. They’ll answer your questions and share feedback with you during your rotations – to acknowledge your awesome achievements and help you identify opportunities for growth. ​We work hard to improve ourselves, our colleagues, our teams, our products and our business, and we value what you have to say, so we’ll ask you for your feedback after each rotation too.

Ongoing training and development

We’re all about helping you succeed, which is why we offer our people a range of programs to help them develop their skills and knowledge, including our rotation program; our very own registered training organisation, WiseTech Academy; mentoring; online learning programs; resilience training, leadership skills and more.  We want the curious, inquisitive, and problem solvers to thrive in an environment that values your development through every step of your career.

Our Rotation Program

Our 26-week rotation program offers software engineers and product managers an opportunity to develop skills and experience a range of product focus areas – from machine learning and international logistics to cross-border compliance and accounting – so that you can choose what’s the best fit for you. We believe in empowering you to develop your own career and interests, so you get to nominate your team preferences for rotations 2 and 3. You’ll get to work with a wide range of team members, learn about our culture, technologies and different business areas and accelerate your development skills.

Supporting you with our mentor program

Our mentors will guide you in your first few months with us. They’ll help you develop skills that’ll set you up for success at WiseTech and support you in achieving your career goals.

They’ll answer your questions and share feedback with you during your rotations – to acknowledge your awesome achievements and help you identify opportunities for growth.

We work hard to improve ourselves, our colleagues, our teams, our products and our business, and we value what you have to say, so we’ll ask you for your feedback after each rotation.

Our Earn & Learn Program

Want a tech career where you solve global problems? With our Earn & Learn program, you get stuck into solving real problems from day one – and learn from our brilliant technologists and innovators as you go.

Students who complete a university degree through the Earn & Learn Program will get access to university recognised coursework, real-world experience, brilliant mentors, and university scholarship funding to supercharge their career in technology. 

The program

The WiseTech Earn & Learn program is run in collaboration with the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Bachelor of Computing Science – IDeA.

As part of the program, you will:

  • Complete subjects delivered by the university
  • Complete accelerated coursework delivered by WiseTech
  • Work at WiseTech 4-5 days per week
  • Participate in our unique rotation program
  • Undertake your degree on a part-time basis over four years
Who should apply?

We’re interested in talking to a wide variety of people. Here are some of the traits we’re looking for in scholarship candidates:

  • High school students who are going into their first year of university
  • Highly curious and love problem-solving
  • Love coding (especially if you’ve undertaken personal projects beyond what you’vebeen doing in class)
  • No coding experience is required, but you think analytically and logically, and coding sounds interesting to you
  • Challenge the status quo
  • Thrive when faced with new and different problems every day
  • Work well with other like-minded people
  • All gender identities – we’re a highly inclusive workplace and all are welcome!

Apply now for our January 2024 intake now!

We’re now accepting applications for our January 2024 intake. Click here to learn more about the program or to submit your application.

Meet Jacob

Jacob Dunk, Software Engineering Team Leader

How did you get into software development?

I was fascinated with technology from a young age and discovered programming at about 11. By high school, I was spending 30–40 hours a week learning programming, so by the time I started university I had the knowledge of a graduate software developer.

Why was your career path so unique?

After two years as a casual software developer at WiseTech, I realised that the knowledge and skills I was learning on the job were far more advanced than the concepts I was learning in my degree, so I decided to move to part-time study and full-time work. Eight years later, I’m now a Team Leader at WiseTech and will graduate with my Bachelor of Engineering in the next couple of years.

Words of advice

Understanding what you enjoy will take you a long way.

Meet Lukasz

Lukasz Swierczynsk, Software Engineering Intern

Lukasz Swierczynski is a software engineering intern at WiseTech and final year university student at UNSW, who says that a career in technology wasn’t something he could have predicted when he was younger. But after taking a few short courses on coding, he quickly discovered a passion for it and has been loving it ever since.

We sat down with Lukasz to find out what about his experiences as a WiseTech intern, why he thinks the rotation program is a must do for all software engineers, and his advice for students considering undertaking an internship.

Why did you decide to study software engineering?

I didn’t initially plan to go into software engineering, but it’s something that I unexpectedly pivoted into. I always saw myself as more of a creative and I was actually planning on being a music teacher, but I’d always loved math, so I decided to try something a bit more technical. I took a bunch of short coding courses on websites like Udemy and Coursera and I started diving into teaching myself programming and software fundamentals. I ended up loving it and the next thing you know, I found myself enrolling into a university course to study it and here I am.

How did you hear about WiseTech?

I found my way here through UNSW’s Co-op Scholarship Program. They have a bunch of industry partners, WiseTech being one of them, so I signed up through them and found my way here.

During the interview process I had a chat to some of the talent team and they asked what my interests are, what type of technology I like to work with, and what my preferences are with coding. As a student, I wasn’t really sure, so I spoke about the things that I did enjoy doing at uni and ultimately said that I was open-minded. But what they really wanted to know was, “what’s the best team that we can put you in? Where will you thrive? Where are you most likely to reach your potential?”

How do you think the rotation program benefits software engineers?

At WiseTech, they’re very passionate about making sure that you’re comfortable where you are and that you’re delivering the best work that you can, and one of the ways that they do that is through what they call the rotation program.

There’s a lot of teams here working on various parts of the product, and depending on what your interests are, you might align much better to one of those teams than another. With the rotation program, you’ve got the opportunity to spend several months with one team before changing to another team, and this is something that every software developer and product manager gets the opportunity to do when they first join.

The goal is not only to connect you with people from different parts of the company, but to also give you a better idea of what it is that you really enjoy doing here. Then at the end of the rotations, you get the chance to choose where you want to be and the work you want to do. So you’re never really stagnating here, as there’s always something new to learn. If at any point you start feeling like you’re not reaching your potential, then they’ll find a way to make sure that you’re consistently challenged.

What have you enjoyed the most about your time at WiseTech?

This is my first time actually working in tech as an intern, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. But it’s been fun and everyone’s been really supportive. There’s no inside expectations of you as a student, people here genuinely want to help you grow and develop into the best software engineer that you can be.

But I think my favorite thing about working at WiseTech is the great culture. You always feel like you’re looked after, the work is challenging, and there’s infinite opportunities to grow. There’s really just a lot of great reasons to be here.

As a final year student, now is really the time for me to be thinking about what I want to be doing as I graduate. I was considering doing a few more internships at different companies and seeing what the tech world has to offer, but since coming to WiseTech, I feel like I can really dive into the work and learn so much more here.

What advice would you give to students considering applying for an internship?

I think an internship should be a goal for anyone studying computer science or software engineering. Through the internship, you really get to put your theory into practice. There’s only so much that a course can prepare you for in the real world. It’s not going to prepare you for the workplace dynamics or the nature of the group work that you’ll need to navigate.

Through an internship, you get to learn things because they need to be done not because it’s, you know, an assessment that you need to submit. So you get this overwhelming sense that the actual work that you’re doing has a purpose, and you’re actually contributing to this company and making an impact.

You don’t really need to fit into a certain mold at WiseTech. Everyone brings their own unique character and that’s what makes the teams that you’re in so vibrant, everyone can just be their authentic selves. And there isn’t this need to wear a suit and tie every single day, because people understand that when you’re comfortable then you’ll deliver the best work possible. I certainly didn’t fit into a mold. I didn’t graduate from high school and go straight into studying software engineering, but I think the talent team recognized and appreciated the effort I’ve put into learning and upskilling myself and they found a place for me here.

Our Videos

WiseTech Global Limited - Who We Are

All Videos

Our People & Culture
Meet the Logistics Industry
Meet our interns: Lukasz and William
Our Rotation Program
Inside WiseTech’s innovation center
Shape your Career with Fi McNicoll, People Operations Manager
Shape your Career with Jacob Dunk, Software Engineering Team Leader - HRM
Shape your Career with Lachlan O'Dea, Digital Marketing Manager

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